Monday, July 14, 2008


These photos were taken some 3 years back in the kitchen when I had nothing better to do at night and luckily had Nitin dada's digicam with me. I still don't have a digicam. mage rahilo. :(

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Half Moon Bay

Since the other two posts were regarding stroll thought about posting this one..
Randomly decided to go for a drive at 11pm to a place called Half Moon Bay.. Nice drive..
When we left, the sky was clear, we could see the moon..
But as we approached the destination, it started to get cloudy, and there was some kind of weird light pollution..
Seemed as if the light from a particular factory [ actually saw that factory later but could not stop to click the snap of that.. it was literally glowing ] was kinda trapped in the clouds..
The photo is taken at around midnight.. Wish I had tripod could have been one with much better angle. .
Exposure time was 2".. Notice the light streaks from cars on left hand side..
I also clicked one with 30" Exp time.. Only difference I noticed apart from brightness level was the rocks in front of us were visible in [ but I liked the dark ones in earlier one ] and the cars did not pass in that time period so no car streaks..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An evening along the Charles river - Boston

Stream next to the Charles river

Watching sailboats on the Charles river - my time with myself - amongst harmony and commotion

Downtown Boston across the river

Evening around Lake

An evening strolling around the lake Mendota and Memorial union terrace at UW, Madison

Memorial Union and the terrace

A badger-tech dinghy. Small sail boat.

A sloop sailing boat with bundled rope

A fleet of badger-tech boats

Fleet again


Badger-techs coming to the pier....around 30 mins before sunset

Badger sloops...

Chair at the union....